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Van Gogh Oiran Rollerball

$295.00 $265.00
The Visconti Oiran rollerball pen is made from natural resin, brought to life by blue, purple, red and green hues to recreate Van Gogh’s technique, emotion and mood portrayed in this remarkable painting, the Japonaiserie Oiran.
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A Visconti Van Gogh rollerball pen with Japanese influence. Visconti's newest Van Gogh pen design draws inspiration from one of The Master’s most treasured and iconic paintings, the Japonaiserie Oiran. Van Gogh adopted Japanese visual inventions in his own work after collecting hundreds of prints and canvases in the early 1880s. He liked the unusual spatial effects, the expanses of strong color, the everyday objects and details from nature, and, of course, the exotic and joyful atmosphere.